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MySpace Music

Here’s a bit of good news for you, MySpace for musicians isn’t just for musicians. Did you know that the major record labels are capitalizing off MySpace music as well? You are probably thinking, what does that have to do with me? Well, for starters, the reason they are profiting is because they are searching and scouring MySpace looking for the next big thing! That is why you have to get in on the action and promote yourself and/or your band on MySpace as soon as humanly possible.

MySpace for bands and musicians is more than just building a fan base and blogging. Most of the musicians on MySpace aren’t signed. And what does that mean? Caching! That only means one thing for the record companies…$$Dollar Signs$$. If you are on MySpace music and you are promoting yourself the proper way then they are going to find you. There is no doubt about that!

Now the job held by the A&R guys is cut dramatically. A&R guys are essentially the scouts of the music biz. Their job is to find you, inspect you and eventually get you signed. Enter: MySpace music. MySpace for musicians makes the lives of the A&R guys a lot easier. They are forever hunting for the next big thing and if you aren’t on MySpace then you are going to get passed right by. Somebody else is going to get your deal and make your profits.

The record labels are still looking for the same thing they have always been looking for, marketable musicians. And MySpace for bands and musicians is where they are going to find it. A little style, good sound and originality, something fresh. MySpace music has just grouped them all together, with all the information in one spot and it is a record label’s playland.

Listen, if you don’t hop on the wagon, then you are going to get rolled right over. No matter what you previously though about MySpace for musicians, forget about it. Life is too short to not take the easy road to success. Don’t be sitting around ten years from now wishing you would have just given it a shot. It is a fact that the record labels are frantically searching MySpace music for the next big thing. Get on there and be that next big thing!

About the Author:
Ty Cohen, the online music industry's most recognizable voice is the former owner of a successful independent record label, current owner of Platinum Millennium publishing and nation-wide music industry seminar speaker and panelist. He is also the author and creator of over 40 best-selling music business books, reports, courses, audio products and other music industry "How to" resources, that have helped tens of thousands of individuals like you to successfully find their way in the music business. Click Here for more information on MySpace for Musicians, MySpace for Bands, and MySpace Music.

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