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Start an Independent Record Label

Are you a struggling artist who just wants their music to be heard or are you someone who is frustrated with the major labels and everything that comes along with them? It doesn’t matter who you are or what you have accomplished, anyone who has the desire can learn how to start an independent record label. Over the next few minutes, we are going to explore why starting an Indie label is such a great idea.

Let’s say you are that struggling artist who can’t seem to catch a break. You want your music recorded and released to the public but can’t seem to get signed. Well, now-a-days, this isn’t a problem. Even if you thought you didn’t know how to start an independent record label before, you are about to learn just how easy it is…

Get in the studio, record your album and start selling. Is it really that easy? Well, yes and no. Yes, that is what you do and once you have accomplished the first step then you are well on your way.

Some people say they want to know how to start and run your own record label but they are worried because they aren’t artists themselves. That is absolutely ok. Maybe you are just a fan or just a lover of music, not a performer. This may be a plus for you. Although not always true but sometimes the creative artsy types have a harder time running the business side of a label. Maybe you should team up and have the best of worlds, a lover of and a performer of music.

Independent labels offer freedom for artists and owners. They also are known to have a bigger return on investment because there are less people to split profits with. You will retain complete creative control and all the rights to your music. If you have been searching how to start an independent record label, then look no further. The future is in the palm of your hands. It is relatively inexpensive in the beginning and when profits are generated then you will expand.

The time is now because the music market is expanding and the door is wide open for independent labels. It is better than ever so you need to act. Find a mentor that can help you learn how to start an independent record label if you need to. But you need to get in while the getting is good.

About the Author:
Ty Cohen, the online music industry's most recognizable voice is the former owner of a successful independent record label, current owner of Platinum Millennium publishing and nation-wide music industry seminar speaker and panelist. He is also the author and creator of over 40 best-selling music business books, reports, courses, audio products and other music industry "How to" resources, that have helped tens of thousands of individuals like you to successfully find their way in the music business. Visit us for more information on how to start an independent record label, how to start a record label and how to start and run your own record label.

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