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Selling Your Music Online

Step-By-Step "Mini Guide" to
selling your music online

For unsigned or up & coming artist, promoting yourself and your
music is a top priority. Good promotions will put you and your
music in front of tons of potential listeners and fans. Thanks to
the internet, musicians can now promote themselves in ways unheard
before, taking their destinies in their own hands. Here are a few
sure fire ways to help get your music out there!

This information is so crucial that I really advise you
to print it out, save it and use it as a reference point
every once in a while.

I have each step broken down in nice and easy to achieve
steps for you... take a look.

Promote on MySpace
This is one of the first stops for many new
artist, as the popularity of the site continues to grow. Setting up
music pages is simple and quick, and features like event listings,
birthday announcements, bulletin postings, music and video player
all come for free. It has become an essential tool in marketing
online. Be careful not to bog your page down with too much graphics
and widgets, and join the millions of people online at MySpace.

Don't forget about Facebook
Similar to MySpace with numbers to
rival it, Facebook is another social app that is a great new
marketing tool for independent acts.

Place it on Craigslist!
Have a party coming up and you want to
invite as many people as possible? Throw an ad up on Craigslist.
Think of a couple of ways to say it and repost a few ads on
Craigslist at the same time. Example- draft one page to say "Come
out to see our band play at Joe's Bar, TONIGHT". Then make another
one that promotes your myspace page, with a mention of your live
act mentioned second. You can do a few variations like this to
avoid getting blocked by Craigslist, as well as exposing yourself
in multiple listings. Don't forget to sell something! Since your
already on Craigslist, offer whatever you may have to sell: i.e.
books, CDs, DVDs, pictures, services, tickets, etc.

Create a Blog Site
Blog sites are one of the newest ways to promote
yourself online. Major corporations are setting up blogs by the
second. The opportunities that come with maintaining a good blog
site are many, as you can promote yourself directly to subscribers
as well as random visitors. Voice your opinion on current matters
and bring a new audience to your page, giving your music more
exposure! Sites like Wordpress and Blogger offer free hosting
services, and tons of adds ons, or widgets, are available as well,
bringing video, texting, photos and more to your site. Take the
time to learn about blogs and get yours going asap!

Similar to setting up a blog, newsletters are a great
way to promote your music to people! If you don't have one, you can
set them up pretty easy, many of the free blog host have them added
as a feature. Looking to boost your newsletter membership up? Make
sure you take a guest list at your next event! Set up sign up
sheets with pens at tables in your next event, and watch how many
people leave their info!

Email blast
Once you have a newsletter set up, you have to keep
your audience entertained! This is where the email blast come in!
After all, they want to know the scoop before the next guy does.
Make sure you give them something on a regular basis. Monthly may
be a bit too slow, while daily is overkill. Somewhere in the middle
is a good way to start.

Work with other promoters, on & offline!
Reaching out to other music promoters is always a good thing. While you will have to deal with a few bad eggs before finding the few good promoters, reaching
out to them all will boost your presence and give you a good look
at how it's done. Once you start to work in your area, people will
feel more comfortable working with you as well. Soon you will have
a list of past gigs under your belt, which always helps to promote
your future work! Email promoters of other parties that you see on
social sites. Go to their parties, hang out a bit. The internet is
good for promoting, but you need to meet people to build
relationships too. Get from behind the computer every once in a
while and go met some other people!

Maximize social sites, aggragator and rss sites!
Sites like Flickr,Reddit, Digg, are all social sites, with potential to market your
material to several people at once! Set up accounts with these
sites and begin to learn how they work. Soon you will see how you
can plug your own blogs into these networks and promote yourself on
a indie grass roots level, while making meeting new people!

Research your industry!
The best way to learn how to promote
yourself and start selling your music online is by learning from those who already have.I am a big believer in research and studying the music industry on a whole. Example..log on to your favorite search engine and type in
music related searches. Mind you, you will get a few bogus sites
and companies trying to pitch their services. If your patient and
wade through them, you will start to find some interesting tips and
articles scattered. Change up your search query and check the
results. Use words like music promotions, music industry tips. When
you have a few sites that you like ..go to the next step

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